iOS | Apple Watch/Garmin
If you completed the a training plan workout and it did not automatically mark as complete you can manually mark it complete without double logging the swim.
Your workout likely didn't mark complete due to a communication error on the watch. Before your next swim:
Restart your phone
Restart your watch
Open MySwimPro on your phone
Open MySwimPro on your watch
You are now set to go swim!
Only workouts loaded by "Training Plan" on the watch and workout sent to the apple watch from the training plan "send to apple watch" will mark workouts as complete. A training plan workout that has been saved to your library and then sent to your workout no longer counts as a "training plan workout"
Android | Garmin
If you completed the a training plan workout and it did not automatically mark as complete you can manually mark it complete without double logging the swim.
Open the training plan
Swipe right on the Workout title
Tap Mark Complete
Your workout likely didn't mark complete due to a communication error on the watch. Before your next swim:
Restart your phone
Restart your watch
You are now set to go swim!
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