Auto-renewal Web subscriptions to MySwimPro can be canceled on the website or in the app.
Login using the same login you use in the app
Tap Cancel Subscription to cancel your subscription. If you cancel, your subscription will stop at the end of the current billing cycle.
In - App:
Open the MySwimPro App
Tap Profile
Tap Settings
Tap Account Settings
Tap Manage Subscription (You will be take to your MySwimPro Subscription page through Stripe)
Login using the same login you use in the app
Tap Cancel Subscription to cancel your subscription. If you cancel, your subscription will stop at the end of the current billing cycle.
I can't cancel my subscription on the website, what should I do?
You may have subscribed to MySwimPro via a different platform such as Apple or Google Play.
If your bank statement shows "ITUNES.COM/BILL" you will have to follow these instructions to cancel.
If your bank statement shows "GOOGLE MYSWIMPRO", you will have to follow these instructions to cancel.
Need Support?
Our Community Champion would love to help! Contact us at or use the messenger.