To cancel the automatic renewal or the free trial of your MySwimPro subscription, please follow the instructions below:
Open the Google Play Store on your Android device.
Tap Menu (β°) > Subscriptions
Find your MySwimPro subscription.
Tap Cancel subscription.
Alternatively, follow this link to cancel your Google Play subscription on the website.
The paid features will remain active until the end of your current subscription period.
If the cancel button is not available on your subscription, it means the subscription is already cancelled and won't renew. |
I can't cancel my subscription on Google Play as it's not on the list, what should I do?
You may have subscribed to MySwimPro via a different platform such as our website or Apple.
If your bank statement shows "MYSWIMPRO.COM" you will have to follow these instructions to cancel.
If your bank statement shows "ITUNES.COM/BILL", you will have to follow these instructions to cancel.
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